The Best Laid Plans…A Mother’s Day Reflection


On this Mother’s Day, at least for a moment, I think about all the unrealistic things I once planned to do (and be) as a mother:

I’ll never have them watch TV until they are 5.

I’ll never lose my patience.

I will teach them to make their bed and keep their room clean.

They will never snap back at me.

All the things that I hoped would make them ‘good,’ ‘normal’ children.

My mother was (and is) a bedrock of patience and humility — the most inspiring mom a girl could have. So I will be too — right?


The best laid plans…

As many have shared long before I have, Motherhood has been the most challenging, most deeply joyful and most memorable experience of my life. Even though…

They were watching TV after they turned 2 (I kept telling myself, ‘but they are educational videos…’)

I lose my patience with them all the time and it is my Achilles’ heel above all else.

They don’t make their bed every day and folded laundry stays on their chair for weeks.

They answer back at me just like I used to do as a kid. (Sorry, Mom. Boy does God have a sense of humor giving this back to me now…)




Because we’re working on it. And…

Because the girls stand for the right things.

They may not have a clean room but they love their family.

They are kind to their friends and stand up for the kid being bullied at school.

They apologize when they do something wrong and easily forgive each other — and me.

They love God and read scripture — most days.

They pray for kids around the world who are suffering greatly.

They work hard at their studies and share what they learn.

Most of all, they laugh and smile, sing and dance and have fun.

I couldn’t ask for better girls, despite all my shortcomings. I couldn’t ask for a more loving and kind husband. I couldn’t dream of more inspiring parents. And I’m so thankful that God is in ultimate control and bridges the gap of my imperfections as a mom.

On this Mother’s Day, I’m far more grateful that things turned out differently than I planned.


4 thoughts on “The Best Laid Plans…A Mother’s Day Reflection

  1. Lisa, this is so awesome…and so true for soon many of us! Happy Mother’s Day to YOU and thanks for such a wonderful blog. xoxoxo

  2. Wonderful! and so real! Am so proud of you – and you are a fantastic mom! Keep up the good work…sending hugs to you and Steve and the hamovigs – have a sensational Mother’s day, you deserve it!

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